How to earn money through blog

How to earn money through blog

Who Sech who does not want to earn?
Moreover, capital income Only post banner ads on your blog or scrift
Actually there are many ways to get penghasiln through blog
As a PPC service, independent advertising, selling articles, ebook sales, selling even the blog itself
How to get through the penghaasilan blog with PPC services is that we put an ad scrift given to us
Ppc services is very much at all from Google adsense, media net, ADPlus, AdsenseCamp, idblognetwork, pokonya very much once the boss
They also provide commission service and that is different
But most bloggers prefer service from google adsense
Bayaranya quite high because the boss
Now we will discuss now is not PPC, independent advertising, or selling blog
Which will be discussed this time is the Affiliate program

What is affiliate?
Affiliate is a program that provides an opportunity for someone to offer other people's stuff
But affiliaate not a realtor
What is different affiliate with a realtor?
In the affiliate program we can not contribute to the price, bargaining, or berintraksi with consumers
If a broker we have a chance to raise the price and we will meet with consumers
So this time we will discuss affiliate online store so that affiliate lazada

How does the affiliate?
How it works Afffiliate is we put a banner or link on the blog and if on were purchased through ataau banner link that we put then we will get a commission from the online store
What fees we get from affiliate?
Payment of affiliate lazada ranges from 10-20% of the price of goods
Bagaiana way so affiliate lazada?
First please login to link
Then please select list now
Furthermore, please fill in your data
Then please confirmation email Viaa
After your confirmation please log back into aacoount lazada
Now it's time to install baanner and links on your blog

Login Menu
Excess lazada affiliate program is a banner which we attach to a changing picture
So visitors unsaturated
Now good luck
So how to earn a living through blog

see you bos

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